Details about our tigers at present

Just 1411 Tigers left in India
Only 1411 tigers remain in the wild in India. That is the stark finding of the National Tiger Conservation Authority's estimation report released on 12 February,2008.The report confirms the worst fears of experts and conservationists that the king of the jungle is living on the edge not all that far from a perilous slide to extinction. The tiger is facing its toughest battle for survival yet. Tigers are surviving under hazardous circumstances in habitats in 17 states and if these eco-systems fragment further the depletion rate of the tiger could worsen. In fact the actual number of wild tigers in India could be even less than 1,411.As it is a statistical study NTCA said if error margins are taken into account the tiger population could range between 1,165 and 1,657.The new count using a change of methodology after Sariska fiasco has clearly established that tiger numbers had been grossly misreported in the past. The tigers are restricted to island like forests .Top habitats are Bandhavgarh, Kanha, Corbett and northeas